Tuesday, January 23, 2007


As Jeffrey Moussaief Mason states:

"Human beings are not always aware of what they are feeling. Like animals, they may not be able to put their feelings into words. This does not mean they have no feelings. Sigmund Freud once speculated that a man could be in love with a woman for six years and not know it until many years later. Such a man, with all the goodwill in the world, could not have verbalized what he did not know. He had the feelings, but he did not know about them. It may sound like a paradox -- paradoxical because when we think of a feeling, we think of something that we are consciously aware of feeling. As Freud put it in his 1915 article The Unconscious: 'It is surely of the essence of an emotion that we should be aware of it.' Yet it is beyond question that we can 'have' feelings that we do not know about."

Aquilo que eu mais temia aconteceu: o meu blog tornou-se emo; melhores tempos virão.


Blogger Pyny said...

Qual é o mal de ser emotional hardcore?

11:00 AM  

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